
Matlab is installed on s15 and on wombat. Fairly recent sources to install matlab on your desktop computer are usually located under

Installation under Linux / MacOS

Matlab can be installed by mounting the folder /home/E322/Software/Matlab/Linux/v?.?_rel20??? to the local machine. Alternatively, copy the entire Direct_Install folder or the archive lux.tar to your local machine.

Two informations are necessary for installation,

Navigate to the Direct_Install folder and, if a graphical user interface is available, execute ./install.

You will be asked for your choices. Usually, the matlab files will be installed below /usr/share/MATLAB/R20??/. At the end of the installation, the symbolic links deploytool matlab mbuild mcc and mex will be created in /usr/local/bin. The symbolic link mcc may belong to matlab or to mathematica. By default, all toolboxes and the entire Simulink program is installed. To save space, unselect unneeded components.

If a graphical user interface is not available, copy the file Direct_Install/installer_input.txt to a location of your choice and edit it appropriately. An example is given on s15 in /usr/local/share/MATLAB/R2022a/installer_input.txt. Symbolic links to the binaries in /usr/local/share/MATLAB/R20??/bin/ must be created manually.


# mount the Direct_Install folder
sudo mkdir /mnt/s15
sudo mount.davfs "" /mnt/s15

# create an installer file
cp /mnt/s15/Direct_Install/installer_input.txt /usr/local/share/MATLAB/
# edit the installer file to set the installation location, file installation key,
# path to the license file, and commenting out the products you do not need
vim /usr/local/share/MATLAB/installer_input.txt

# install
sudo /mnt/s15/Direct_Install/install -inputfile /usr/local/share/MATLAB/installer_input.txt

# clean up.
rm -r /tmp/mathworks_*
umount /mnt/s15
sudo rmdir /mnt/s15


Remove the installation directory, e.g, /usr/local/share/MATLAB/R20?? and the symbolic links deploytool matlab mbuild mcc and mex in /usr/local/bin.