#language en ## language de ##Überschrift:= Typbezeichnung (VO,RU,..) voller Name, Nummer = ##= UE Numerische Methoden der Strömungs- und Wärmetechnik, 322.061 = = UE Fundamentals of Numerical Thermo-Fluid Dynamics, 322.061 = ## Verweis auf tuwis: tuwis.tuwien.ac.at/lva/nummer; Die ewig langen,zope unique-ids sind natürlich nicht nötig. ##Diese LVA in [https://tiss.tuwien.ac.at/course/courseDetails.xhtml?courseNr=322042 TISS]. This course in [https://tiss.tuwien.ac.at/course/courseDetails.xhtml?courseNr=322061 TISS] ##The course will take place in presence. Organization details will be explained in the first week. There is no need to do anything before the first lesson. For general questions please use the discussion forum in [https://tuwel.tuwien.ac.at/course/view.php?idnumber=322061-2021S TUWEL]. The UE could also be streamed through ZOOM if requested. ##== Termin == ##(direkt vor bzw. nach der ebenfalls verlegten VO): ##'''Gruppe1: D0, 10:15, [http://www.wegweiser.ac.at/tuwien/hoersaal/322.html Seminarraum 322]''' ##'''Gruppe2: D0, 11:00, [http://www.wegweiser.ac.at/tuwien/hoersaal/322.html Seminarraum 322]''' ## == Anmeldung == ##Testtermine siehe [http://tuwis.tuwien.ac.at/lva/319009 tuwis++]. ## Die Anmeldung zur Übung erfolgt im [http://tuwis.tuwien.ac.at/lva/322042 tuwis++] zum 'fiktiven' Prüfungstermin am 16.3.08. ##am Anmeldeterminal des Instituts, vor dem ##[http://www.wegweiser.ac.at/tuwien/hoersaal/322.html Seminarraum 322]. ## == Modalitäten der Übung == ##Der erfolgreiche Anschluß der Übung unterliegt Bedingungen: ##Es werden wöchentlich Aufgaben gestellt. Mehr als die Hälfte der gestellten Aufgaben ist zu bearbeiten. ##Jede Programmieraufgabe hat einen auf dem Aufgabenblatt angegebenen Punktwert. Sie müssen in der Summe über das Semester mindestens die Hälfte der maximal zu erreichenden Punkte erzielen. Bei analytischen Aufgaben ist ##die Hälfte der gestellten Aufgaben zu bearbeiten. ##Es müssen im Verlauf der Übung Lösungen zu Aufgaben vorgeführt werden. ##Geben sie Lösungen von Programmieraufgaben immer als Arbeitsgruppe ab, nicht identische Lösungen mehrfach. ##Die Lösungen aller Aufgaben sollen für die angegebenen Übungstermine vorbereitet werden. ##== Requirements & Assessment == ## * Examples for home preparation are released one week before each exercise (except from the first week). Participants are asked to solve at least half of the examples and submit their solutions via TUWEL before the start of each exercise. Each example will then be presented by a different student. Every participant must present at least one example ##over the semester, which constitutes '''20%''' of the overall grade. ## * A team project (see below) has to be done by groups of two to three people and submitted until mid July 2022. The project involves solving a certain mathematical problem numerically, using the methods covered during the exercises. The team project contributes by '''40%''' to the overall grade. ## * The remaining '''40%''' of the grade correspond to a final examination after the end of the course. ## * Attendance is required. A maximum of two absences per semester is allowed. ## * Some examples involve writing a simple script for [http://www.sss.tuwien.ac.at/sss/mla/ MatLab] or [https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/download.html Octave]. For introduction to MatLab consider this [attachment:matlab_examples.pdf Simple MatLab tutorial] and [http://www.fluid.tuwien.ac.at/322036 More MatLab tutorials in German]. ## * Your solutions would preferably be written using [http://www.sss.tuwien.ac.at/sss/ofc/ Word] / [https://www.libreoffice.org/ LibreOffice] / [https://www.latex-project.org/ LaTeX] / [https://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/marking-up-matlab-comments-for-publishing.html (MATLAB) Markup] / [https://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/live-scripts-and-functions.html MATLAB LiveScript] / [https://jupyter.org/ Jupyter] ... but clear handwritten scanned sheets are also accepted. ##== Outline == ## * ''Classification of partial differential equations, Method of characteristics'' ## * [attachment:Classification_v2.html Summary 1] ## * Recommended literature: [1, 3, 4, 11], Additional resources: [2, 5, 6] ## * ''Finite Difference Method for boundary value problems'' ## * [attachment:Summary2.html Summary 2] ## * Recommended literature: [1], Additional resources: [5] ## * ''Stability of Finite Difference schemes'' ## * [attachment:stability.pdf Summary 3] ## * Additional resources: [7, 8, 9, 10] ## * ''Explicit schemes for spatio-temporal discretization'' ## * [attachment:RK.pdf Runge-Kutta method] ## * [attachment:guidlines5.pdf Periodic boundary conditions for explicit schemes] ## * ''Implicit schemes for spatio-temporal discretization'' ## * [attachment:guidelines6.pdf Boundary conditions for implicit schemes] ## * ''2D time-dependent problems and systems of PDEs '' ## * ''Non-linear problems'' ## * [attachment:nonlinear.pdf Numerical methods for non-linear problems] ## * [attachment:SolvedExample6.html Solved illustrative example] ## * ''Bonus examples'' ## * ''Questions and Answers'' ## The summaries above are only intended to recapitulate the main outcomes or to illustrate the topic. They are, however, not always self-explanatory and their understanding relies on discussion during the exercise. For complete study materials refer to the recommended literature.'' ## == Examples == ## No examples to be prepared for the first exercise. ## * [attachment:Exercise_1.pdf Exercise 1], [attachment:Exercise1_matlab_example.m matlab code example] ## * [attachment:Exercise_2_2018.pdf Exercise 2] ## * [attachment:Exercise_3.pdf Exercise 3,] [attachment:ex_3_help.pdf Guidelines] ## * [attachment:Exercise_4.pdf Exercise 4,] [attachment:ex_4_help.pdf Guidelines] ## * [attachment:exercise_5.pdf Exercise 5,] [attachment:guideline5.pdf Guidelines] [attachment:exercice5.m code template], [attachment:ex5_correction.zip correction] ## * [attachment:Exercise_6.pdf Exercise 6,] [attachment:guidelines_6.pdf Guidelines] ## * [attachment:Exercise_7.pdf Exercise 7,] [attachment:exercise_7.m code template], [attachment:guideline_7.pdf Guidelines], [attachment:correction_7.zip correction] ##== Team Project == ## || The assignment of the team project will be released around the middle of the semester. || ## || This assignment has to be done by groups of two or three (too long otherwise !). || ## || Some template codes are provided, they have to be filled in and submitted together with the final report.|| ## * [attachment:TeamProject2019.pdf Assignment] ## * [attachment:Templates.zip Code templates] ## * [attachment:TeamProject2019_solution.zip Solution (codes only)] ##== Recommended literature == ##[1] Lecture notes for the course [https://tiss.tuwien.ac.at/course/courseDetails.xhtml?courseNr=302017 LVA-Nr. 302.017]: Grundlagen der numerischen Methoden der Stömungs- und Wärmetechnik, TU Wien ##[3] [https://www.springer.com/de/book/9783540530589 Fletcher, C. (1998), 'Partial Differential Equations' In Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics 1: Fundamental and General Techniques, Springer, Berlin.] ##[4] [https://www.springer.com/de/book/9783540678533 Wesseling, P. (2001), 'Classification of partial differential equations' In Principles of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 29 of Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, Springer, Berlin.] ##[11] Wilhelm Schneider, Mathematische Methoden der Strömungsmechanik, 1. Auflage Braunschweig, Vieweg 1978, ISBN 3-528-03574-0 ##== Additional resources == ##[2] [http://how.gi.alaska.edu/ao/sim/chapters/chap3.pdf Otto, A. (2011), 'Classification of PDE's and Related Properties' In Methods of Numerical Simulation in Fluids and Plasmas. Lecture notes, University of Alaska] ##[5] [http://cfdblogvienna.blogspot.com/ 'CFD Education Center - Vienna', URL: http://cfdblogvienna.blogspot.com/] ##[6] [https://web.stanford.edu/class/math220a/lecturenotes.html Levandosky, J. (2002), 'Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics', Course Math 220A, Lecture notes, Stanford University] ##[7] [https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mathematics/18-336-numerical-methods-for-partial-differential-equations-spring-2009/lecture-notes/ Seibold, B. (2009), 'Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations', Course No. 18.336, Lecture notes, MIT]. Shared under [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode this license]. ##[8] [https://akmitra.public.iastate.edu/aero361/design_web/Laplace.pdf Mitra, A. K., 'Finite Difference Method for the Solution of Laplace Equation', Lecture notes, Iowa State University] ##[9] [https://www.12000.org/my_notes/mma_matlab_control/KERNEL/KEse83.htm Abbasi, N. M. (2019) 'Chapter 2.44: Generate sparse matrix for the Laplacian differential operator for 3D grid' In 'How to solve basic engineering and mathematics problems using Mathematica, Matlab and Maple', Blog post] ##[10] [http://www.public.asu.edu/~hhuang38/mae384_2009_pde_note3.pdf Huang, H.-P. (2012), 'Introduction to Partial Differential Equation - III. Numerical methods' In 'Numerical Methods for Engineers', Course MAE384, Lecture notes, Arizona State University] ####Lösungen von Programmieraufgaben sind als Programme per Email abzugeben. ##Ich will diese Programme laufen lassen und mir die Ergebnisse dann ansehen. Benutzen Sie dafür die Adresse markus.hamik@tuwien.ac.at . ##== Test == ##'''Termin: 01.06.2007 13:00 Uhr [http://www.wegweiser.ac.at/tuwien/hoersaal/H17.html HS 17 Friedrich Hartmann]''' ##== Angaben für die Übungsstunden: == ##'''Hinweis: MATLAB ist als Studentensoftware im Lehrmittelzentrum erhältlich!''' ##Alternative: [http://www.octave.org OCTAVE] ##Kurze Einführung in MATLAB: attachment:matlab-primer.ps attachment:matlab-primer.pdf ##Angaben: ##1. Übung: attachment:blatt1.ps attachment:blatt1.pdf ##2.Übung: attachment:blatt2.ps attachment:blatt2.pdf Muster-Files: attachment:Lsg2.1.m ##attachment:Lsg2.2.m ##3.Übung: attachment:blatt3.ps attachment:blatt3.pdf Muster-Files: attachment:aufgabe3_1.m attachment:aufgabe3_2.m attachment:aufgabe3_2_plot.m ##4.Übung: attachment:blatt4.ps attachment:blatt4.pdf ##5.Übung: attachment:blatt5.ps attachment:blatt5.pdf ##6.Übung: attachment:blatt6.ps attachment:blatt6.pdf Muster-Files: attachment:aufgabe6_2.m attachment:aufgabe6_3.m attachment:l1diff.m attachment:waermeleitung_loesung.m.m attachment:wleit2.m ##7.Übung: attachment:blatt7.ps attachment:blatt7.pdf ##8.Übung: attachment:blatt8.ps attachment:blatt8.pdf ##9.Übung: attachment:blatt9.ps attachment:blatt9.pdf ##[attachment:blatt2.pdf 2.Übung] ##[attachment:angaben22_3.pdf 3.Übung] ##Muster-Files vom 29.3.: attachment:mydiff.m attachment:myfehler.m attachment:myplot.m attachment:aufgabe3_2.m attachment:aufgabe3_2_plot.m ##[attachment:blatt4.pdf 4.Übung] ##[attachment:blatt5.pdf 5.Übung] ##[attachment:blatt6.pdf 6.Übung] ##Muster-Files: attachment:aufgabe6_2.m attachment:aufgabe6.2_3d.m attachment:aufgabe6_3.m attachment:wleit2.m attachment:l1diff.m attachment:waermeleitung_loesung.m ##[attachment:blatt7.pdf 7.Übung] ##Nachtrag zum 24.5.: attachment:NachtragBsp7.2.pdf ##[attachment:blatt8.pdf 8.Übung] ##Muster-Lösung: attachment:blatt8a.pdf ##[attachment:blatt9.pdf 9.Übung] ##Muster-Lösung: attachment:aufgabe9.m ##[attachment:blatt10.pdf 10.Übung] ##Muster-Lösung attachment:lsg10_2.m ##[attachment:blatt11.pdf 11.Übung] ##Muster-Lösung attachment:wleitimpl.m ##=== Punktestand per 6.6.07 mit TESTERGEBNISSEN === ##Notenschlüssel: ##||Hausübungen || 30% || ##||Tafelpräsentationen || 30% || ##||Test || 40% || ##attachment:teilnehmer_1015_noten.pdf attachment:teilnehmer_1100_noten.pdf