Exercise 6: Non-linear problems

Illustrative example

Consider the differential equation describing the motion of frictionless pendulum
where θ is the angle, g is acceleration of gravity and l is the length. Since θ depends only on t, (1) is an initial value problem. We can convert it into a system of first order ODEs and solve it numerically with the methods we have seen during the course. Introducing the angular velocity the first order system looks like
we can discretize the problem with implicit Euler scheme as
and solve it with either fixed-point algorithm or Newton method.

Fixed-point algorithm

For better readability we define and rearrange (3) to the fixed-point form as
The MatLab code below solves (3) with the fixed-point algorithm.
% Parameters
% Initial condition
U = [ pi/4 ; 0 ];
% Function f
f = @(U) [ U(2) ; -g/l*sin(U(1)) ];
% Options for time-stepping
dt = 0.01;
tmax = 4;
% Options for non-linear solver
itmax = 1000;
tol = 1e-5;
relaxation = 0.1;
% Initialization
t = 0;
V = U;
K = round((tmax-t)/dt);
theta = NaN(K,1);
omega = theta;
% Time-stepping loop
for k=1:K
% Fixed-point algorithm
error = inf;
it = 0;
while error>tol && itmax>it
Vold = V;
Vnew = U + dt*f(V);
V = relaxation*Vnew + (1-relaxation)*V;
it = it+1;
error = norm(V-Vold);
if it==itmax, disp('Not converged'); end
% Proceed to next time-step
U = V;
t = t + dt;
% Save trajectory
theta(k) = U(1);
omega(k) = U(2);
ComputationTime = toc
ComputationTime = 9.9517
% Plot phase diagram
Note how the implicit Euler scheme dissipates energy, although the original equation models a frictionless pendulum.

Newton-Raphson method

We can also re-arrange (3) into the form
and approximate the roots of the non-linear function at each time step by Newton-Raphson method. See the MatLab script below:
% Re-initialization
U = [ pi/4 ; 0 ];
t = 0;
theta = NaN(K,1);
omega = theta;
V = U;
% Define F and J
I = eye(2);
O = zeros(2);
F = @(V,U) V - U - dt*f(V) ;
J = @(V) I - O - dt*[ 0, 1; -g/l*cos(V(1)), 0 ];
% Time-stepping loop
for k=1:K
% Newton algorithm
error = inf;
it = 0;
while error>tol && itmax>it
deltaV = -J(V)\F(V,U);
V = V + deltaV;
error = norm(deltaV);
it = it+1;
if it==itmax, disp('Not converged'); end
% Proceed to next time-step
U = V;
t = t + dt;
% Save trajectory
theta(k) = U(1);
omega(k) = U(2);
ComputationTime = toc
ComputationTime = 0.5604
% Plot phase diagram